Your search for '${data}' did not yield any results.
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${data.index + 1}/5
Cut downtrees, shrubs, heavy bushes and weedseasier than before!Save time and energy with this new and high-powered brush cutter. This also leaves no mess behind!
Suitable for gas-powered trimmers and brush cutterswith 30cc and higher engines. You can also sharpen it easily with a 3/16 inchchainsaw file! Whether it's raining or sunny, you can easily use this cutter with no worries!
This cutter makes sure you're safe! The chain saw blade is placed between two places, which make sure it's safe for carving, sculpting or cutting! With its anti-kickback action, you can easily cut in any direction
Easy to Use:Cut through grasses and bushes in no time! This bush and grasscutter can easily cut through any material with no problem!
Quick and Efficient: Your time is important; this tool makes sure it’s not wasted! This cutter also leaves no mess and will only need a bit of sanding after using it.
Multi-functional: Small trees, shrubs, heavy bushes, dense grass, and weeds are no problem with this tool! The chain saw is placed between steel plates, which make sure that it’s safe to use!
Can be Used for Everything:Cut, carve, sand sculpts with this cutter! It’s strong, easy to use, and can be used for anything!
Maximum RPM: The chainsaw tooth is designed to operate at maximum 10, 000 RPM.